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Forces and motion

This video will help you prepare for a visit to the Flight gallery at the Science Museum, London.

PDF, Video
ks1, ks2

Rocket mice

Make a paper mouse fly like a rocket using a milk bottle and some air pressure.

ks2, ks3

Kitchen science

Step-by-step instructions for science activities and experiments to do in the classroom or at home.

ks3, ks4

Rugged Rovers

This Science Museum game allows you to design and test your own all-terrain space rover.

PDF, Video
ks3, ks4

Build a Dome

Use straws and strong shapes to make a self-supporting dome.

ks2, ks3


Spring your way through 30 obstacle-filled levels and create your own levels to play and share with friends.

ks2, ks3

Pinball machine

Build your own pinball machine and use it to explore Newton’s Laws of Motion while challenging your friends!


No Pressure

See what would happen to marshmallows, and yourself, in the low-pressure environment of space.

PDF, Video

Make it fly

Investigate the forces involved in how planes fly by making some of your own and testing them out!

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