This video will help you prepare for a visit to Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries at the Science Museum, London.
A practical guide to help you explore Medicine: The Wellcome Galleries.
These statues, made about 300 years ago, are of two Christian martyrs – people tortured and killed for their beliefs.
This plastic mask was worn by a patient having radiotherapy for throat cancer in 2018.
This prosthetic (artificial replacement) arm was made in 1904 for a professional pianist – a woman called Elizabeth Burton.
This jar was made and used between 1830 and 1870. It was used to store leeches – a kind of worm that survives by sucking blood from other animals.
This wooden statue was made around 1900 on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, near India. It was known as a kareau or scare devil.
This medicine chest, made in the 1780s, was owned by a doctor called Edward Jenner, who is famous as a pioneer of vaccination.
This machine, made in 1958, is an electroencephalograph (EEG) – a device that measures electrical activity in the brain.
This is a packet of Gold Flake brand cigarettes, made some time between 1920 and 1950 by W D & H O (William Day and Henry Overton) Wills – one of the first companies to mass-produce cigarettes.
This rubber cap was made around 1920. When inserted into a woman’s vagina, it prevented sperm from reaching the uterus, and so prevented pregnancy.
This statue is of an ancient man called Bhaiṣajyaguru, also known as the Medicine Buddha – someone Buddhists believe can help reduce suffering.