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Science and Industry Museum

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Kitchen science

Step-by-step instructions for science activities and experiments to do in the classroom or at home.

An activity representing a genetic test, in which students receive a sealed box containing a chance card.

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Rugged Rovers

This Science Museum game allows you to design and test your own all-terrain space rover.

Use this catchy song about nanotechnology to get your students buzzing for a classroom discussion.

PDF, Video

Bubble Fun!

Explore mixtures and materials by making brilliant bubbles!

PDF, Video

Bottle top shapes

Get creative with geometry by drawing lines on bottle tops and seeing what shapes you can make.

PDF, Video
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Build a Dome

Use straws and strong shapes to make a self-supporting dome.


Ear Gongs

Use coat hangers and string to investigate sound, vibrations and materials.

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Graphite Circuits

Turn your drawings into circuits using the conductive properties of graphite.

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Instant Ice Cream

Explore states of matter in the tastiest way – by turning milk into ice cream instantly!


Magnetic Maze

Use a magnet to guide objects through a maze drawn on the side of a plastic bottle.

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