In this six-part video series, presenters Scarlett and Jeriah explore how we might live in the future while reducing the impact of climate change. Presented by young people for young people, these videos explore the ideas and technologies helping to create a low carbon future – from generating clean electricity using wind and tidal power to insulating our homes and changing what we eat and how we travel.
Each episode is between 9 to 12 minutes long.
Episode 1: How can nature help us tackle climate change?
In this episode, reporters Scarlett and Jeriah visit a huge wind farm and demonstrate how wind and tidal turbines can generate electricity.
Take it further
- Have you ever used a dynamo on a bike? What happens when you pedal faster or slower?
- Which forms of renewable energy do you think would be suitable for your school/local community?
Episode 2: Can you see climate change from space?
In this episode, reporters Scarlett and Jeriah discover how satellites in space have helped us track animal migration and deforestation on earth.
Take it further
- Go to Google Maps and look at the satellite images of your school and your home. Does anything surprise you?
- Take part in the ‘Walrus from Space’ citizen science programme. What did you learn?
Episode 3: How can our homes tackle climate change?
In this episode, reporters Scarlett and Jeriah visit a lab dedicated to building energy-efficient housing and demonstrate how solar panels can generate electricity.
Take it further
- Look at the houses on your street/ near your school. What do you think they would look like under the thermal imaging camera during the winter months?
- What did you do at home yesterday? Did you watch TV, play video games, take a bath? Which of these activities do you think used the most energy? This website can help you find out whether your guess is correct:
- How would you convince someone to make their home more energy efficient and install solar panels?
- Can you design an energy efficient house using what you’ve just learnt?
- Try our Energy-themed Great Object hunt.
Episode 4: What food will we eat in the future?
In this episode, reporters Scarlett and Jeriah explore alternatives to eating meat, and how reducing the amount of meat we eat can have a positive effect on our planet.
Take it further
- Try our Healthy Planet quiz on Wonderlab+.
- Are there any ways to reduce the amount of meat and dairy in your school meals?
- Can you come up with a healthy low meat and dairy menu for breakfast, lunch, and dinner? Don’t forget about the snacks!
Episode 5: How can we make travel greener?
In this episode, reporters Scarlett and Jeriah explore ways to travel great distances while relying less on fossil fuels.
Take it further
- Explore our 3D object, the Catalytic converter.
- Were you surprised to learn that it was possible to buy an electric car in the early 1900s? Why or why not?
- The electric drone taxi has a maximum range of 20 miles. Where could you travel within that range?
- What forms of travel did you use in the last week? Can you rank them from most to least carbon-intensive?
Episode 6: What is carbon capture?
In this episode, reporters Scarlett and Jeriah explore how CO2 gets absorbed and the inventions scientists are working on to remove even more CO2 from the atmosphere.
Take it further
- Capture some carbon dioxide in our blow-up balloon activity.
- Peatlands hold more carbon than the world’s forests. Can you find if there are any near you? What makes them special places?